Monday, March 19, 2007

Beckett and Bion

where traditional psychoanalysis functioned like a nineteenth-century inheritance plot, in which the forward movement of the narrative is defined by the desire to retrieve the past, and this forward movement culminates and concludes with the reappearance of that past, the kind of analysis proposed by Bion would inhabit the looped, interrupted, convoluted duration of the modernist or postmodernist text, in the form represented by Beckett's Trilogy, and anticipated in Beckett's own attempted rescue of the work of Proust from the atemporal condition of consummated unity; in a review written in the early months of his analysis, Beckett protested that Proust's work was `the search, stated in the full complexity of all its clues and blind alleys, for that resolution, and not the compte rendu after the event, of a round trip'. [Disjecta: Miscellaneous Writings and a Dramatic Fragment, ed. Ruby Cohn (London: John Calder, 1983), p. 65.]

Beckett and Bion

Someone's already done a script with this title, surely? Beckett and Psychoanalysis: The Movie. Though only less than a third through this long paper, it seems it has a lot to offer. In a sense it is is the sort of explanation which could form the rational basis for tackling some of his plays and or novels for the first time.

It is one thing to have learnt about Beckett because you recognise he is an important figure in 20 C. literature, quite another to wade through the titles when there is so much else to read and life is short.


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