Thursday, June 30, 2005

Work in progress

Found this while gardening the other day. Fixated, since, on the guy who worked this then threw it aside because the end broke off. Trying to think of the word which sums up one's excitement at such a personal, unexpected discovery - but it won't come. I'm right there (well, if it's a stone, it's Stone Age..I'm not the expert) with the man who worked this with the, "He stood here where I'm standing" frisson. This will make the place where it was found always different and special. Hallowed ground comes to mind. I will be constantly on my guard for further evidence, while ostensibly pulling weeds and sifting stones. Its not just a veg patch any more.

My thought was that the inspiration to write (as per previous post) need not come from another set of writing, though in reality it usually does. Here, with a simple stone, I can go back to several ideas I had quite a few years ago when some kids burnt down a couple of 20 foot birch trees: the following year they regenerated as if they had been pollarded at ground level. I stood on what is in essence a plateau (a Second World War airfield was built here) looking to far horizon under a typical Norfolk sky (mostly sky with a sliver of ground at the bottom) and felt some sort of story emerging. Having made this rather uplifting discovery of an large, worked flint, something more has been added to my previous imaginings in a way that has gone over the threshold into 'write mode'.

And, not surpringly, coming to mind is William Golding! Quicky check of his oeuvre, to get some handy hints and tips....


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