Cabinet Magazine
Half way through an article about mind control in Cabinet, had a sneaking suspicion this might be Borges world, with two artists going to the Madrid flat of Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado, which begins:
The letter from Professor Delgado carries two insignias. One is made of Hebrew letters on what looks like a Torah scroll. Under the scroll it says "lux et veritas"—light and truth. The other insignia reads "Investigacion Ramon y Cajal." In our letter to him, we have explained that we are two artists who have been studying his "astonishing research," and that we are interested in his views on the relationship between humans and machines. José M.R. Delgado has written that he will be most happy to receive us at his home in Madrid.
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Trying Banging the Keys swiftly: Typewriters and their Discontents, by Barry Sanders ('The tangled history of typewriters and guns.')
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