Sunday, August 21, 2005
Daniele's Rule:
A man who wants to read and write must let the grass grow long
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Previous Posts
- Quotes
- Einstein's Big Idea
- And don't forget nature
- Even further kinds of understanding
- It's all in the mind
- Further kinds of understanding
- The pellet with the poison's in the flagon with th...
- kinds of understanding
- E-books from Classic Literature Library
- are screenplays literature and other essays on film
- surfers surf
- StumbleUpon
- Magnatune
- Jazz online
- musicovery
- Jamendo
- Odeo
- fInetune
- Fullbooks
- ubu
- ubu - Jose Luis Borges: The Mirror Man
- ubu - Wittgenstein's Tractatus [Péter Forgács]
- filmmaker magazine
- greencine
- writer's resource center
- Pinker: Towards a consilient study of literature [2007]
- Narrative partitioning: The ins and outs of identity construction
- History is photography:the afterimage of Walter Benjamin
- Walter Benjamin:The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
- Jeremy Harding reviews The Narrow Foothold
- Rorty on Rorty: Trotsky and the Wild Orchids ('92)
- Some thoughts on writing well - John Leo
- Hackwriters [mag]
- Fictional footnotes
- What the housemaid saw
- Some landscapes A single post: "The Sea at Balbec" - small piece of 'Seascape' from 'Les Plaisirs et les Jours'
- Wiki: mimesis
- Adorno on Mimesis [discussed]
- The Intertwining of Remembering & Forgetting in Walter Benjamin
- Unpacking Benjamin [José Ángel García Landa ]
- Berlin Childhood around 1900 [Benjamin]
- In Search of Proust [3 books reviewed]
- Pulp Fiction:Or, Proust and Joyce's Rhetorical Flourishes [John Coyle]
- Welcome light on Proust [Ludovici]
- The writings of the young Marcel Proust: An ideological critique
- Art for fictions sake [Will Self]
- The Valve - Contra Proust [Adam Roberts]
- Last Supper with Proust [review: A Night at the Majestic]
- contingency, liberation, and the seduction of geometry: hypertext as an avant-guade medium
- The Senses of Modernism: Technology, Perception, & Aesthetics
- Borges versus Proust: Towards a combative literature [Tim Conley]
- Alain de Botton [Extract] - quote in intro to Sesames and Lilies
- Aesthetics of the Windshield: Proust & Modernist Rhetoric of Speed The Turner bit
- Frederik Tygstrup - The Monstrous Novel - An Essay in Literary History
- Gallicia - Proust (French)
- Mark Kaplan on the aesthetic
- Raul Ruizâs Time Regained and Filming the Unfilmable
- 6. Albertine Disparue - Chapter 3 - Venice
- Proust - (Venice) - Hemingway
- Proust in Venice
- Proust in Venice (photo)
- Journees de lecture (Proust)
- On reading Ruskin (Proust)
- Ruskin and the Arts
- Aesthetic and critical theories of John Ruskin
- Surprise, surprise: repetition & creation in Turner, Ruskin and Proust
- The long Proustian shelf (Bruce Bower)
- Prousts Way (Roger Shattuck) Chapter 1
- The Work and its Author (Roger Shattuck)
- Dan Schneider reviews The Novel
- Proust and his English
- Proust's English
- Why Proust? And Why Now?
- Selections from Proust [L J Hammond]
- Jules et Jim - notes on source
- Consciousness, Art and the Brain: Lessons from Marcel Proust
- Getting it All Wrong: Bioculture critiques Cultural Critique
- Trotsky on: Social roots/social function of art
- Roger Scruton :The trouble with Islam, the European Union - and Francis Fukuyama
- Dennett : Quining Qualia
- Kuhn : Ch. 1
- anarchic hand & free will
- An Atheist Manifesto - Sam Harris
- Hari on J S Mill
- Obit Chris Tame [libetarianism]
- Wiki: J S Mill
- J S Mill:Utilitarianism
- J S Mill [associated ideas + crit]
- Getting to know Hegel
- Hegel: Encyclopaedia
- Hegel: critique of
- Thomas Paine in
- Ferrater Mora on Unamuno
- Strange Bedfellows: Nietzsche and Jesus Reconciled
- Follow my leader [Nicholas Humphrey 2001]
- Language log: the perils of semiotic speculation
"..more messages are received than have been sent."- summary Kuhn Structure Scientific Revolutions
- Adventures of a Man of Science
Elif Batuman's long n+1 essay- Denis Dutton on literary Darwinism
lit links
- Literary Weblogs: An overview
annoted- Lit Weblogs
same but brieferlit blogs
- Tales from the Reading Room
- 3quarksdaily
- Wood's Lot
- So Many Books [old]
- So Many Books [new]
- Bookworld
- Infinite Thought
- pas au dela
- The Middle Stage
- Ready Steady Book
- This Space
- Armadeep Singh
- Language log
- languagehat
- Reading Middlemarch
- Ron Sillman
- The Beiderbecke Affair
- The Life and Opinions of Andrew Rilstone
For the Lewis, Pulham, Rowlings postblogs with Proust
- Waggish reads Proust
- The English Teacher
- flickerfit
- Ad without Products
- Le Temp de Proust
- Dispatches from Zembla
- Slightly Bluestocking
- Hotel Point
- Some landscapes
A single post: "The Sea at Balbec"Mags/Reviews
- Cabinet Magazine
- Other Voices - J. of Cultural criticism
- Laura Hird
- The Quarterly Conversation
- 3:A.M.
- eurozine
- eurozine: bloom interview
- The New Hampshire Review
lit portals
- Arts & Letters Daily
- 'teoriablogs'
- plan b
blogs - Le je sais quoi
- Via Negativa [Dave Bonta]
blogs - maps
- Strange Maps
- Grow-a-Brain
Bitsevolution / brain science / psychology
- neurophilosophy
- brainethics
- brainethics - old version
- mindhacks
- PsyBlog
- pharyngula
dialogue: Robert Wright/Michael KlausBipolar Blogs
- bipolardaily
- elvira black
odd articles
- Science, psychiatry and the mystery of madness
- Word of the Day
- Rhetorical terms
- The Samuel Taylor Coleridge Archive
- Academic Index (search engine)
- Absolute Shakespeare
- Jim's Word/writer's links
A-Z and by category (monumental)- Reasoning Well: skills for philosophy
- e-Book on The Diggers
Based on writing of Gerrard Winstanley- Discover Biology
- placeopedia
- bloggers handbook pdf
- Semiotics for beginners
by Daniele Chandler- NNDB
- Dictionary of History of ideas
- etymological dictionary
- Common Errors in English
- Use of English A-Z
- Ebooks Classic Literature by author
- Soc. for Text & Discourse
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- philosophical snippets
- Tameri Guide for Writers
- Tameri: A writer's lexicon
- Little Blue Light
Literature, poetry, philosophy - biogs, biblios, quotes- Project Gutenberg (Australia)
- Literature
Wiki: links to lots- First Lines
links to many e-books- Word Spy
- Glynn Hughes' Squashed Philosophers
Quick crib : Plato to Popper/Don't be ashamed to say you used it-
a sort of encyclopaediamovies
- great directors
- Kathe Kollwitz
a beautiful short documentary from the Roland Collection show-casing her art but telling you a lot more- Drawn from Experience
1990 Dutch: art therapy / 28 mins.- Tassili N'Ajjer
Prehistoric Rock Paintings of the Sahara : 16 mins. Why not chose your own from:- The Roland Collection
- Bad Cat : the Movie
for that moment when you just can't read another word...- The Demented Cartoon:{Movie}
30 mins: not porn :could be used at the end of term by harassed teachers, at a pinch! {might need to download it: filters on school systems}- D.O.A.
classic film noir : Edmund O'Brianscreen-writing
- The Screen-writing Life
- Screenplays for You
- The Battle of Algiers (1965)
- INFlow's film script repository
- Network
- A - Z screenplays/movie scripts
- Charade (1963)
- Charade (1963)
professional writer's blogs
- Jeanette Winterson
professional philosopher's blogs (phlog?) / wikis
- Elise Springer
i>Literary blogs fill a niche
USA Today article by Edward Nawotka
- Being a Lit-Blogger Bud Parr of Chekhov's Mistress
- The "scanty plot": Orwell, Pynchon, and the poetics of paranoia
- Clive James on Amis' Leader biog
- The Martin Amis Web
- Cervantes by Catholic encyclopaedia
- Wiki: Cervantes
- Wiki: Don Quixote
- Don Quixote: summary
- Bloom on Quixote Introduction to Edith Grossman's translation, 2003
- Ilan Stavans : Quartercentenary
- 400 Windmills Quixote's Faith & other posts : David Auerbach
- Chekhov's Mistress Why read Don Quixote?
- 201 stories by Anton Chekov
- Dostoevesky links and e-books
- The Grand Inquisitor straight to Chapter 5 using FIND....
- A Portrait in photographs
- W N P Barbellion leads to quotes
- The Great Gatsby (e-text)
- Howard's End & links
- E-text Howard's End
- RSL links
- RSL website
- Greeneland
- Vasily Grossman with the Red Army, 1941â1945 review of book on his wartime notes/diaries
- - new entries at top
- The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Volume II
- de Maupassant: short stories
- Internet Guide to Mississippi Writers
- Musil:Precision and Soul, Essays and Addresses
- Musil: diary
- Musil: Man Without Qualities [engineeing]
- Musil: biog & books
- Musil: Five Women
- Musil: The chronicler of transition
- Musil: everyman's response
- Musil: within Enrique Vila-Matas's Bartleby & Co
- Musil: Volker Schlöndorff's Der Junge Törless (Young Torless, 1966)
- Godard's Histoire(s) du cinéma [2 mentions]
- Musil: snippet
- Musil: 9 hour Polish play [Krystia Lupa]
- Musil: A sort of introduction; A sort of ending
- Musil: Ulrich - medieval mystical literature
- Musil: Eric Voegelin and Robert Musil: Literary Approaches to Spiritual Pathology
- Musil: Musil: Ernst Mach and Viennese Modernity
- Musil: Interpretation of 2 novellas
- zembla
- The Raine Maria Rilke Archive Renate Hannaford
- Wiki : Rilke
- Raine Maria Rilke: Life & work from Books & Writers
- Rilke : Book review LIFE OF A POET: Rainer Maria Rilke By Ralph Freedman
- Rilke: selected poems
- Rilke: Spanish Trilogy sample
- Rainer Maria Rilke & Paula Modersohn-Becker
- Rilke: biog. by Cliff Crego Many photos
- Rilke: poem index
- Rilke: love & other difficuties
- Rilke: for Lou Andreas salome
- Rilke: to Lou Andreas salome
- Lou Salome
- The case of Lou Salome Nietzsche, Ree, etc.
- Lou Salome: the famous photograph
- Letters: Freud & Lou Andreas-Salome
- Shared life Narratives
- In the Life of Lou Andreas-Salome>
- Int J Psychoanal. 2000
- You Alone are Real to Me Lou's memoire of Rainer Maria Rilke [review]
- 'A Fine New Shame' Musical based on Lou Salome's life
- Lou Andrea-Salome : A Reunion [short story]
- Irene Nemirovsky check life story:
- Irene Nemirovsky
- NYT review 'Suite Francaise'
- LitEcyc essay by Arthur Williams, U. of Bradford
- The Threepenny Review
- A Symposium on W.G. Sebald
- - telling biographical snippets
- Salon Review of "Vertigo" by Brigitte Frase
- Spike Magazine Stephen Mitchelmore reviews "Austerlitz"
- Flak Magazine "Austerlitz" reviewed by Clay Risen
- New York Times
- Interview date line 11 December 2001
- - methods
- George Orwell: Revenge is Sour(1945)
- George Orwell: Politics vs. Literature (1946)
- George Orwell: Bookshop Memories (1936)
- Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003) essay by Norman Madarasz
- 'Death Sentence' by Maurice Blanchot
- Stephen Mitchelmore on Maurice Blanchot
- Blanchot: 2 extracts
- Blanchot: The madness of the day
- Wiki: Blanchot
- 201 stories by Anton Chekov
- "On Writing" : Heinlein's Rules
- George Orwell, Politics and the English Language, 1946
- Philip Pullman on writing
- Philip Pullman on grammer
- Primo Levi on translation
- Mauro Nervi's Kafka Project Comprehensive resource
- Ronald Aronson Except Ch. 1 "Camus and Sartre: The Story of a Friendship and the Quarrel that Ended It
- Commentary: Sartre vs. Camus by Algis Valiunas
- Proust : Wiki
- In Pursuit of Proust
- The curious fate of the last three volumes
- of the new edition: Aaron Matz
- The Kolb-Proust Archive
- Marcel (Valentin-Louis-George-Eugene) Proust (1871-1922) Book and Writers profile
- Marcel Proust Ephemera
- other Proust sites
- Marcel Proust: Or the Novel as writing Pierre-Louis Rey
- Proust regained by Daniel Mark Epstein
- Doing Time with Marcel Proust Jeanette Lowen
- Chapter 1 - Marcel Proust (Edmund White)
- A la Researche HTML
- Swann's Way
- Within A Budding Grove
- The Guermantes Way
- Cities of the Plain (Sodom et Gomorrhe)
- The Captive
- The Sweet Cheat Gone (Albertine disparue)
- Time Regained (Le Temps retrouvé)
- The Elements of Style : William Strunk Jr. Mike Sea's recommendation for writers
- Articles and Miscellaneous Writings
- Mark Twain - Life and work
- Voltaire's Candide
- Voltaire
- New Yorker review:
- 'Voltaire's Garden' by Adam Gopnik
- Frigyes Karinthy Hungarian writer in short-story, "Chains", said to have introduced idea of six degrees of separation
- Frigyes Karinthy - A Writer on his head Story of Karinthy's, "A Journey Round My Skull"
- Frigyes Karinthy 1887-1938 Totally Hungarian, but check out the photo
- Frigyes Karinthy A few frames for film buffs
- Lev Nussimbaum biography of Azeri novelist
- A Room of one's Own [e-text]
- Eight early short stories via Bartleby
- The Death of a Moth and other Essays (e-text)
- The Waves (e-text)
- To the Lighthouse and Beyond (biog plus pics)
- Venedikt Yerofeyev Story of Russian cult author novel 'Moscow-Petushki'
- Elektrichka The train Yerotfeyev used
- David Samoilov (1920â1990) Russian poet in conversation
- Nietzsche's features
- Copywriter writing fiction, non-fiction and copywriting - using a blog to your publicise & improve writing skills
- World Wide Words Michael Quinion
- Susan Orlean
- The Orchid Thief
- Adaptation
- The weblog about the film about a man writing
- a screenplay involving the book
- by Susan Orlean
- Susan Orlean (written by...Jason Kottke)
- Russ stutler
- Russ Stutler personal page
- Onion Boy
- h2g2 : Moleskine notebooks
- Wiki entry : h2g2
- Wikipedia : Moleskine
- Moleskineus : History of Moleskine Links to Stories, Users (including films e.g. Matti's The Son's Room, Amelie), Design, Quotes
- Journalismo Tucked out of the soft earth of the mole-hill...
- 43folders
- Witold Riedel talks about his drawing
- Withold Riedel's subway sketches
- Moleskine art Armand B Frasco + MoleArt links
- Armand B Frasco Gallery of MoleArt
- Mike Rohde - designer
- Loose Wire Jeremy Wagstaff
- The Furry Goat experience 21 century PDA: Moleskine
- Mike Shea Mike's Moleskine Hacks
- Wordplay compehensive advice
- Fry and Laurie scripts
- Karl Blossfeldt Urformen der Kunst (Art Forms in Nature)
Brit Lit Portals


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Martin Amis
W N P Barbellion
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E M Forster
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Vasily Grossman
De Maupassant
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Irène Némirovsky
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