Saturday, May 26, 2007


Noticed a rather nice newspaper stall when strolling down Passeig de Gracia {2} on a late April day. Requiring a map or two, tried out my rudimentary Spanish on the friendly vendor. Pleased to discover he had a reasonable map selection from which I chose two: a decent large-scale street map and one of departments of Catalunya. Noted on display a large-format magazine with Tintin and Snowy on the white, glossy cover. Vendor, assuming I had no Spanish, told me it was not in English. Told him I could use it to brush up my Spanish : his face lit up and we exchanged a few words about this and that.

The magazine turned out to be a pretty cool Arts mag. called Vanguardia (the Spanish seem to have a flare for these well-designed publications) or a supplement to a newspaper . The April 2007 issue (number 3) is dedicated to Herge on his centenary. It is full of wonderful photos and cartoon pages from Tintin: a magical cornucopia of source material for the enthusiast and an education for anyone who might have thought Tintin just for kids.

Recently came across this Independent article on Herge

and this [added 9 July] by Tom McCarthy in the Guardian:

From Zero to Hero


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