Monday, July 30, 2007

Ingmar Bergman 14 July 1918 - 30 July 2007

The slide show is the front page. The link to the site itself is below the frame of the pictures. That's the only way your going to stop the music! Some of the same movie clip interviews and trailers to be found on Youtube.

Ingmar Bergman Face to Face

Ingmar Bergman: The Swedish master who hides away on a small island, Geoffrey Macnab, Independent, 13 July 2007.

Ingmar Bergman by Hamish Ford (2002: Senses of Cinema). Heavy duty, with words such as meta-diagetic { 2 - narratology discussed} and oneiric, but does the job.

At the height of the anti-Bergman wave, the Swedish cinema magazine Chaplin decided to produce an anti-Ingmar Bergman issue. There were many vitriolic contributions. One of the most telling came from an Ernest Riffe, who demolished the filmmaker with astonishing insight. "This artist without any substance of his own," wrote Riffe, "needs a literary work to fall back upon. Then, and only then, can his best qualities be released." As this coincided with the view held by most Swedish intellectuals, the essay was welcomed. Then Ernest Riffe revealed his true entity—none other than Ingmar Bergman.

from : As normal as smorgasbord by Charles Marowitz (Originally published in The New York Times, 1 July 1973)

Making of Saraband: Part I

Part II
Part III

Autumn Sonata

....cinematography has conquered the human face,the moving picture of the human face. The apparatus, the instrument - the camera and the film - they are so sensitive that the smallest movement.... for registering the human soul as reflected in the human face.

Talking about his cinematographer Sven Nykvist [ Youtube]

Film Great Ingmar Bergman Dies at 89

Film Director Ingmar Bergman dies
(ABC <= Associated Press) Andrew Pulver's Guardian blog revises his best movies: Ingmar Bergman's greatest scenes

Telegraph obit

Google News result: Ingmar Bergman

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